Random Thoughts: A Mindful Miscellany

from Marcus Wynne

So What’s Marcus Been Working On….?

with 2 comments

…a new novel. A new business. A new life.

Here’s an excerpt from THE SWORD OF MICHAEL, coming from Baen Books (Simon & Schuster) in November 2014:


My name is Marius Winter. I am a shamanic practitioner. A shaman, though by tradition I can never refer to myself that way. Shaman is a title bestowed by the community I serve. That title is earned through serving the community in the shaman’s roles: ceremonialist, artist, storyteller, healer, warrior, leader and keeper of knowledge. These roles are not sharply defined like a job title in the Middle World. In the shamanic world roles are blurred, defined by Spirit, and there are many shades of gray in the spectrum between the Dark and the Light.

Sometimes, depending on what Spirit brings to your door, some or all of those roles might merge. For instance, a healer may be called upon to be a warrior to provide the service of protecting his community from the attack of dark forces. This is the most dangerous and challenging shamanic work of all.


What some call exorcism.

For a reason known only to the Great Spirit, this is the work that comes to me.

In partnership with the healing spirits, my job is to remove the lost souls of dead humans, spirits, entities, demons and extra-terrestrials from those who come to me seeking help. To send those possessing spirits back to where they came from and to be a channel for the healing of those who’d been infested by those forces.

I call myself a depossessionist.


And here’s what one of the greatest genre writers of the 20th and 21st century said about it:

“I’m glad to welcome Marcus Wynne back to the author’s fold. His own personal journey through Hell and hardship has been transformed into a gripping, action-filled urban fantasy about a man’s Journey to Hell to save all those he loves best in the world. A great debut in a new genre by one of the best action writers in any genre.”

David Morrell, New York Times bestselling author of Murder As A Fine Art

Coming soon in e-book and trade paperback, November 2014!


New business? Actually old business in a new structure. More about that soon….

New life? Absolutely…and I’m grateful to all those who have helped me do that.

Stay tuned…

Written by marcuswynne

April 8, 2014 at 12:42 am

Posted in Uncategorized

2 Responses

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  1. Look forward to the new book Marcus! Did “Three’s Wylde” ever come out as a complete book? I didn’t do the whole serial thing.

    Joe Ormerod

    April 8, 2014 at 2:08 am

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