Random Thoughts: A Mindful Miscellany

from Marcus Wynne

Archive for December 2018

A New Novel, And Upcoming Training Books (Update with Free Book)

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For my writing fans who just want to cut to the chase, here’s links to the new book WYLDE:  BOOKS 1-3 on Amazon and Smashwords.  By the time you read this it should be live on Amazon and Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBooks and Kobo.

Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/WYLDE-BOOKS-1-3-Marcus-Wynne-ebook/dp/B07LDZ3JWV/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1545332990&sr=8-2&keywords=wylde+books+1-3

Smashwords link: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/912989


On Smashwords you can download these books as .mobi files to read with the Kindle app or on any Kindle device, as well as in PDF and all other e-book formats.  Sign up is free and they don’t spam you.

One new book:  WYLDE BOOKS 1-3 https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/912989

One free book:  NO OTHER OPTION https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/56252

One book on sale:  WARRIOR IN THE SHADOWS https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/538353

New Book synopsis:

This compilation of the two previous WYLDE books JOHNNY WYLDE and TWO’S WYLDE with 60,000 additional words of new story brings the WYLDE story to a dramatic finale.  The two previous books have been revised, corrected and combined to flow with the new content.

WYLDE is a manic gunfighter-noir-crime story that blows up in high drama when you mix a bar bouncer with a shadowy military past, a gleefully criminal South African gun dealer, a sado-masochistic Russian couple who traffic in weapons and women, a Buddhist exotic dancer, a man-killing woman detective, assorted highly skilled dark side shooters and the sunniest down-home female assassin in the business.

Lyrical sex. Poetic violence. And poetry.
For adults only. Rated R for graphic sex, violence, language and mordant humor.


For those who are curious about what’s up with the business, stick around.

I’ve been working on integrating the best research in sports psychology, cognitive neuroscience, stress inoculation, accelerated expertise and adult learning into military, law enforcement and private sector training since the late 1980s.  I’ve taught at hundreds of military and law enforcement academies, including the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center at the Marana AZ satellite campus.  My work was adopted at the national level by the Norwegian National Police, the Swedish National Police, and the South African Police Force.  It’s also been adopted been adopted by specialty military and police units within those nations as well as the Israeli and UK training communities.  I continue to consult with a number of elite military and law enforcement units domestically and abroad.

So what?

In 2014, I started Accentus-Ludus LLC, a Department of Defense Research and Development Company focusing on integrating all the work we’ve done with innovative training design.


We do good work.  Some has already been published after peer review in THE JOURNAL OF POLICE AND CRIMINAL PSYCHOLOGY and some of which is yet forthcoming elsewhere.  We have patents pending on specific training protocols and processes that create specific cognitive, neurological and behavioral changes that result in dramatic improvements in ability.  We’ve been invited to present at Google’s “X” facility, one of the most advanced research and development labs in the world, and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research and Projects Administration) the US Department of Defense’s military Research and Development organization.  And we continue to consult with cutting edge researchers all over the world to refine what we do.

So what?

During the last five years I focused all my energy on getting the company up and running.  Now that we’ve taken it as far as we can, we’re selling the company along with some of the patents and intellectual property.  That whole burdensome process is being handled by Fredrickson & Byron www.fredlaw.com one of the largest law firms in the country, which specializes in IP sale, IPOs, financial packaging, etc. for companies like Medtronics and Cray, to use two local examples.

So what?

It means I can let someone truly competent run with that and I can get back to my *second* (after using research to save lives) true love which is writing.  The first order of business was to finish up the WYLDE series.  I just published that two days ago as a Christmas present for my very patient fans.  My roster of upcoming fiction includes a novella which wraps up the story of Dale and Charley from BROTHERS IN ARMS, and another long book like WYLDE titled THE ACHY MAN.  I’m already in discussion with major online streaming services about creating original series out of WYLDE and THE ACHY MAN.  I’ll keep you in the loop on when we move past talking and into doing.

My peers, colleagues, and students have long urged me to write a book about our training methods.  I’ve resisted for a long time because our approach is focused on fast effective immediate change to the human brain in the context of a carefully crafted training environment.  Setting down the complexity of that, especially while the process was in dynamic evolution, didn’t seem like an appropriate course of action at the time.

I’ve changed my thinking.  I think it’s time to do that.  I’ve become motivated since there’s been a concentrated effort on the behalf of unscrupulous individuals and organizations to steal some of our intellectual property, and attempts to take credit (to the point of plagiarism) for content we’ve written and research that we did.

I’m not, nor have I ever been, concerned with the “Hey look at me!  Look at what I did!”  factor. I am concerned with, and will always remain concerned with, saving as many lives as we can through our training innovations.  It’s irritating to see unscrupulous and unskilled wannabes attempting to take credit for their bastardized version of our work.  More to the point, they compromise student safety and downstream training effectiveness because they don’t know what the hell they’re doing.  The individuals who’ve actually trained directly with me have gone on to train hundreds of thousands of students:  the entire South African and Swedish National Police, much of the Norwegian National Police, and multiple elite military units all over the world.

Those vetted instructors know what they’re doing because they were trained properly and went out and applied and evolved their processes with my follow up coaching.

These unscrupulous individuals and organizations do not know what they’re doing.

So why not sue them?  I have the biggest, best and most expensive attorney roster in the upper Midwest.  Suing them would be trivial.  But I’d rather not spend the energy.  Let their own unscrupulous actions expose them.  The best revenge is living well.  In this instance, the best revenge is training others well — and let these LOSERS fall by the wayside.

So in the interest of setting the record straight, I have two training books lined up for release next year.

The first book is a compilation from my blog. Edited, curated, annotated, and cross referenced.

The second book is a detailed “working book” which is combination illustrated journal with hard science references and detailed case studies, most of which have never been publicized.

After that, it’s back to consultation, working with the new owners of Accentus for a period of time, and back to my fiction writing career.

That’s the long winded answer.

Stay tuned, and thanks for reading.


Written by marcuswynne

December 20, 2018 at 7:19 pm

Posted in Uncategorized